Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Adding a Reminder to a Plan of Care

You can add Reminders to Problems, Sections, Goals, Outcomes, and Activities.

To add a Reminder, complete the following steps:

  1. From an item in the Content Editor, click the arrow to the right of the Edit button and select Insert, or press CTRL+I.
  2. Select Reminder in the Workspace Editor.
  3. From the Print/Export options, you may select Print Only or Export Only (the default is Both). In Print View, items marked as Export Only will not be displayed. In Export View, items marked as Print Only will not be displayed.
  4. From the Evidence options, you may select one of the following options:
  5. The Text box is free text; type the text you want displayed in the plan of care.
  6. Optional: The Comment text box can be used to add free text comments. If an item has comments, the icon will appear next to the item in the Viewer and Editor. Users can hover over the icon to display the comments.
  7. Click the Save button. (To minimize the Workspace Editor, click the Save & Hide button.)


    To add a performance measure to the Reminder, select the Performance Measures tab from the Workspace Editor to view a list of available performance measures. Select the desired performance measure(s) from the list and then click the Save or Save & Hide button to close the window.

    Click the Reset button at any time to clear any selected items.

    The Performance Measures icon () will appear next to the Reminder in the plan of care.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

© 2014 Zynx Health Incorporated.
All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014