Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Adding or Editing Performance Measures

You can add performance measures to a Section or orderable, or you can edit currently existing performance measures. To add or edit performance measures, select a Section or orderable and complete the following steps:

  1. For the item or Section, either click the Edit button or click the arrow to the right of the Edit button and select Edit. Then select the Performance Measures tab from the Workspace Editor to view a list of available performance measures.
  2. Select the desired performance measure(s) from the list.
  3. Click the Save button. (To minimize the Workspace Editor, click the Save & Hide button.)

The Performance Measures icon () will appear next to the item in the Editor.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

© 2014 Zynx Health Incorporated.
All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014