Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Creating a New Workspace

To create a new workspace, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Workspaces screen, click the New Workspace link to open the Create Workspace window.
    You may use an existing workspace as a template for building your new workspace. Doing so will add all the WDFs from the existing workspace to your new workspace. WDFs in these templates can be deleted or modified at any time. To use an existing workspace as a template, see step 2; otherwise, skip to step 3.
  2. Optional: If you wish to use a pre-existing workspace as a template for building your new workspace, click the Template ellipses button to view/search a list of all the workspaces that are available for the environment. Click a workspace from the list to select it and then click the Select link.
  3. In the Name field, type a name for the new workspace. This field is required. The maximum length is 50 characters. Names must be unique for each workspace.
  4. Optional: In the Description field, type a description of the workspace. The maximum length is 255 characters.
  5. Click the Save button. The new workspace opens and is ready for editing.
    After you create a workspace, you may assign the workspace to an individual term or a term type. See Mapping Individual Terms or Term Types to a Workspace.

You can add additional WDFs to the workspace or edit the existing WDFs.


Administrators can view and navigate all screens in the Environment Manager.

The screens that non-administrator users are able to view and navigate depend on assigned permissions.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014