Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Creating a Reviewer for an Order Set in the Content Manager

Users with appropriate permission can create a reviewer.

To create a reviewer, complete the following steps:

  1. In the content list, select an order set and then click the Manage link to open the Content Manager screen.
  2. Click the Manage Reviewers link at the top of the screen. If a user does not have correct permission, this link will be unavailable.
    The Manage Reviewers main screen opens and displays an address book of reviewers, authors, teams, and distribution lists for the client environment. Mouse over a team or distribution list to display a tooltip showing a list of the members whose names and e-mail addresses are missing.
  3. Click New Reviewer to open and complete the New Reviewer dialog box to create a registered reviewer. Specify the first and last name of the reviewer as well as the e-mail address and then click Save to return to the Manage Reviewers main screen.
    If the e-mail address already exists in the system, an error message is displayed indicating that the e-mail address is already registered to another user. The alert also lists the role (Author or Reviewer) associated with the account. Correct the data or cancel and close the New Reviewer screen.
  4. Click Close in the upper right corner to close the Manage Reviewers screen.

You have created a new registered reviewer whose name will appear in the address book.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014