Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Adding Linkable Content to an Order Set

Linkable content is any released content (order set or plan of care) that has been marked as linkable content in the Manager. (See Marking the Order Set as Linkable Content and Marking the Plan of Care as Linkable Content.)

Linkable content can be added to an order set. Although it cannot be modified within the order set, when the original linkable content is updated, the updates will appear in all the order sets in which the linkable content is housed.

When printed or exported: Linkable content will be fully expanded when printed or exported. All linkable content items will be displayed within the order set. If you insert linkable content as virtual linkable content, just the name or display name of the linkable content appears (as a placeholder) when the order set is printed or exported, instead of displaying the linkable content in its entirety.


If you plan to export your order sets to an EMR system, please check your integration manual for instructions on whether your system can handle linkable or virtual linkable content.

In View and Review mode: Linkable content will appear collapsed with an identifying icon ( for linkable content, and for virtual linkable content). Click on the linkable item to open the full linkable content in View mode in another window.

To add linkable content, complete the following steps:

  1. To insert linkable or virtual linkable content in the Content Editor at the same level as top-level sections, select Add Top Level Item. Inserting the content in this manner will add the linkable content to the bottom of the order set by default. You can then drag and drop it to the desired location.
    To insert linkable content or virtual linkable content within a Section, click the arrow to the right of the Edit button and select Insert or press CTRL+I.
    Select Linkable Content from the Workspace Editor to display additional options.
  2. Click the Browse link to the right of the Map field. This action opens the Insert Linkable Order Set window so that you can search for linkable content to add.
    A tree-view structure appears on the left side. Click to expand a folder; click to collapse a folder. Click a folder to view its contents on the right side. Only linkable or virtual linkable content will be presented.
  3. Navigate to the appropriate linkable order set, select it, and click the OK button to return to the Workspace Editor.
  4. Configure the workspace as necessary:
  5. Click the Save button to submit the change.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014