Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File |
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Refers to the contract between a health system and Zynx Health for the purchase of modules and content. An account may have multiple environments in AuthorSpace.
A specific action that the interdisciplinary care team carries out to address a patient problem. Within a ZynxCare plan of care, each problem is associated with one or more activities that are grouped under the intervention section. Activities are organized into the following categories: Assessments, Communication, Education, and Treatments and Procedures.
Activities within a plan of care that evaluate, assess, and determine patient condition, knowledge, and medication use, as well as patient, caregiver, and family member risk factors, in order to develop the plan of care.
Zynx Health AuthorSpace provides a dynamic authoring environment that enables users to build and export content (such as order sets and plans of care) in formats that can be integrated into various hospital information systems. AuthorSpace also allows users to interact with external vocabularies for the purpose of creating content that is compatible with other systems.
For an environment with content-level security, a base team is a group of users in an environment with access to all content not previously assigned to a team.
For an environment with folder-level security, a base team is a group of users in an environment with access to all folders under the Our Content folder.
If appropriate permissions have been set, members within the group can release, modify, export, and view the assigned content.
By default, all environment users are assigned to a base team.
A blue ribbon icon () signifies that the associated
topic or item addresses a performance measure defined by a national organization
(eg, Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services, The Joint Commission).
A listing of the important processes of patient care, including their expected frequencies and goals, to support longitudinal patient care and data capture. The processes of patient care are defined by key national organizations with a performance-improvement focus. Data for each of these processes of care can be completed for an individual patient at the point of care in order to monitor and track progress or as part of a retrospective chart review.
A means of classifying catalog elements (both terms and term types) by their intended usage.
A clinical parameter that facilitates the completion of an assessment, develops the plan of care, organizes education, and provides a process checklist for the clinician. Checklist details are associated with an activity in a plan of care.
Activities within a plan of care that trigger or enhance interdisciplinary coordination by identifying providers relative to a given patient problem.
A community supports the sharing of content across accounts by allowing environments to publish and view content in a common area. All content in a community is View Only but may be duplicated to a local environment.
A type of permission level available for an environment in which teams are assigned to content.
A collection of terms developed for an environment to use when creating content.
An order set or plan of care that has been modified for a user’s hospital or health system. Users can add, delete, or modify sections or items to create customized content.
Drag and drop refers to clicking an item, holding down the mouse button, dragging the object to a new location, and then releasing the mouse button at the desired location.
Activities within a plan of care that teach patients, caregivers, and family members, enabling patients to meet expected outcomes and reach optimal health.
A collection of users who share common system preferences, export options, vocabularies, etc., in AuthorSpace.
An Environment Manager has full access to all features of AuthorSpace and has access to Home, Environment Vocabularies, and Global Content Manager links on the Control Panel. The Environment Manager can change user passwords, access other Environments, create teams and content folders, and manage milestones, the catalog, integrations, and workspaces (if available in the environment). The Environment Manager can also manage local and vendor vocabularies and allow the user to manage aliases. An Environment Manager has View, Modify, Release, and Export permissions by default, and these permissions cannot be disabled.
An Environment User only has access to the Home link on the Control Panel page. The Home link allows the Environment User to change his or her password or access other Environments. An Environment User can be assigned View, Modify, Release, or Export permissions by an Environment Manager.
A piece of meta-information that can be associated with an order set or plan of care. An event refers to an action (eg, admission or discharge) to which the order set or plan of care applies.
Measurable patient-centered conditions/states, behaviors, or perceptions in response to interdisciplinary interventions. Expected outcomes can be assessed by the interdisciplinary care team at any point in time and are used to indicate whether a goal has been met or progress has been made in resolving a problem. In a plan of care, each problem has at least one expected outcome grouped under the Goal section.
Refers to an outside document that can be uploaded from a hard disk and stored and accessed within AuthorSpace. Outside documents include clinical documents such as clinical protocols, or administrative information such as project plans and contact lists. You can upload files of any type and store them along with order sets and/or plans of care. These documents can be removed or updated as needed. AuthorSpace does not support printing or exporting of external files regardless of security permissions.
The alphanumeric code associated with external vocabulary terms or workspace fields. The external ID can be a negative number. The external ID is organization-specific and may be used to clinically identify or catalog content. See term ID.
Collection of data, concepts, and procedures developed by an environment or organization other than Zynx Health. An external vocabulary can be a standard vocabulary, vendor vocabulary, or local vocabulary. External vocabularies can be imported into Zynx AuthorSpace and mapped to equivalent terms in the Zynx PIVOT catalog. Each term in the external vocabulary has a unique external ID. The ID is assigned and maintained internally within the organization.
A type of permission level available for an environment in which teams are assigned to folders.
A tool used to calculate the potential benefits of implementing specific evidence-based aspects of care, both in terms of quality of care and cost-effectiveness, and to model out the impact of these improvements on morbidity, mortality, functional status, and cost.
A subject heading that organizes expected outcomes in a plan of care.
Standardized terminology for data, concepts, and procedures developed and maintained by Zynx Health personnel. This internal vocabulary can be mapped to a hospital or CPOE vendor’s local vocabulary.
A subject heading used to organize activities in a plan of care.
Describes content that can be "virtually inserted" into other content. For example, if version 1 of order set A is marked as "linkable," it can be linked into order sets B and C. If order set A is updated to version 2, its changes will be propagated into order sets B and C as well.
User-specific terminology for data, concepts, and procedures that can be imported into Zynx AuthorSpace and contains vocabulary terms that can be mapped to equivalent terms in the Zynx PIVOT catalog. Each term in the local vocabulary has a unique external ID, which is assigned and maintained internally within the organization.
In Zynx evidence and order sets, these are drug names that can be expressed as medication names (consisting of the generic active ingredient or brand name alone) or dispensable products (which consist of the active ingredient or brand name in conjunction with the strength and formulation).
A significant point in the development process of content. Milestones are created by the administrator in the Environment Manager and are assigned to content in the AuthorSpace Order Set Manager or ZynxCare Manager. Milestones are user-defined and specific to each environment.
Modular order sets allow organizations to employ a building block approach to their order sets. More specifically, the modular approach involves the use of 1 or more condition-specific modular order sets in conjunction with a venue-specific admission modular order set. The condition-specific order set consists primarily of medications and diagnostic tests, whereas the admission order set consists of items that would generally be ordered regardless of the patient’s specific conditions (eg, diet, activity).
Further description or clarification of key concepts for an activity in a plan of care, a medication order item in an order set, or a non-medication order item in an order set.
A group of interventions that are specific to a condition or procedure and pertain to a venue of care. Zynx Health provides default order sets and allows for customization of order sets to meet hospital or health system requirements.
Customized order sets ideally should be developed as a result of careful review of evidence and for the purpose of creating a meaningful change in patient quality of care, and not driven by Information Technology milestones for the purpose of meeting deadlines for a CPOE roll-out.
A process or outcome that addresses healthcare quality and safety performance. Measures can be established by any of the following organizations:
A list of national performance measures as defined by various national organizations with a performance-improvement focus. The list shows the national organization, performance measure program, disease/procedure, measure type, and measure venue. For each performance measure, a brief summary of the measure specifications is provided, as well as URLs to supporting documents on the Web.
PIVOT stands for Portable Intermediate Vocabulary of Objective Terms. Any term representing a concept in an order set will have a corresponding PIVOT ID in the Zynx catalog. PIVOT IDs can be mapped to their equivalent concepts in external vocabularies.
A plan developed with nursing and ancillary health professionals that identifies the treatment needs, goals, and objectives of a participant (ie, patient, family, caregiver, group) based on clinical assessments. The plan provides strategies for meeting goals and objectives and for evaluating the participant’s progress.
A condition experienced by a patient that can be corrected or ameliorated in a clinical care setting. Problems may be acute or chronic in nature, or may represent a functional or organizational risk. Problems may be actual or potential and may span one or more episodes of care. ZynxCare provides the basis for assessing, planning, and evaluating the care of patients with the most common problems that members of an interdisciplinary care team manage.
A piece of meta-information that can be associated with an order set or plan of care. Reason refers to the module (eg, acute myocardial infarction), procedure (eg, appendectomy), or symptom (eg, chest pain) to which the order set or plan of care applies.
A red check mark icon () indicates that the associated
topic contains a citation of a meta-analysis (class M) and/or a systematic
review (class S).
Information included in an order set or plan of care that serves as an evidence-based note to the clinician at the point of care. A reminder is included in the order set or plan of care when the clinical evidence satisfies topic inclusion but it cannot be directly translated into an order item or plan of care activity. Reminder items are created only for topics that are presented in the evidence.
For example, a topic regarding the use of a prediction rule to guide triage decisions for patients with community-acquired pneumonia cannot be translated into an order item, but an order set reminder item can serve as a timely evidence-based reminder to the physician at the point of care.
Sample guidelines available in ZynxOrder and ZynxAmbulatory that show how evidence can be translated into alerts and reminders within electronic medical record systems. Rules are written for various clinical scenarios that may apply to a single venue of care or multiple venues of care.
A category used to organize order items in an order set or plan of care. For example, Zynx Health standard order sets use the following sections: Condition, Vital Signs, Activity, Nursing Orders, Patient/Caregiver Education, Respiratory, Diet, IV Fluids, Medications, Blood Bank, Laboratory, Radiology, Diagnostic Tests, Specialty, Consults, and Noncategorized. Sections may contain subsections and sub-subsections. Each plan of care offered by Zynx Health addresses a specific patient problem. Plans of care include a Goal section (containing Expected Outcomes) and an Intervention section. The Intervention section contains subsections (ie, Reminders, Activities, Checklist Details).
Industry-specific terminology for data, concepts, and procedures that can be imported into Zynx AuthorSpace and contains vocabulary terms that can be mapped to equivalent terms in the Zynx PIVOT catalog.
A starter plan of care is an abridged version of a standard Zynx plan of care. Because a starter plan of care has had less commonly used items removed while retaining relevant evidence links and national performance measures, it can be used as a quick-start template to guide organizations toward their own rapid customization efforts.
Indicates the state of an order set or plan of care (ie, Draft, Released, Retired, Review):
For an environment with content-level security, a team is a group of users assigned to content. Depending on user permissions, users within the group can release, modify, view, or export the assigned content. A user with team manager privileges can perform all 4 tasks. Privileges are assigned to individual users for the team to which they are assigned. Privileges for a user assigned at the content team level override the privileges for the user set at the base team level.
For an environment with folder-level security, a team is a group of users assigned to a folder. Depending on user permissions, users within the group can release, modify, view, or export the assigned content within the assigned folder. A user with team manager privileges can perform all 4 tasks. Privileges are assigned to individual users for the team to which they are assigned. Privileges for a user assigned at the folder team level override the privileges for the user set at the base team level.
For an environment with content-level security, privileges are assigned to a user at the base team level or a content team level. Users in an environment (who do not have administrative privileges) are assigned, by default, to a base team with full privileges for all content not assigned to teams. Privileges set for the user at the content team level override the privileges assigned to the user at the base team level, but only for content owned by that team.
For an environment with folder-level security, privileges are assigned to a user at the base team level or a content team level. Users in an environment (who do not have administrative privileges) are assigned, by default, to a base team with full privileges for all content not assigned to teams. Privileges set for the user at the folder team level only override the privileges assigned to the user at the base team level if the user is removed from the base team level or restricted to view-only permissions at the base team level.
A field in AuthorSpace that contains the external ID for an external vocabulary term. This field is only displayed if the external vocabulary was imported with external IDs. See external ID.
Activities within a plan of care that deliver care, prevent injury, and perform actions that enable patients to meet expected outcomes and reach optimal health.
A piece of meta-information that can be associated with an order set or plan of care. Venue refers to a clinical location (eg, ICU, Emergency Department) to which the order set or plan of care applies.
An environment for reviewing and/or commenting on your organization’s order sets and/or plans of care.
ZynxAmbulatory offers evidence-based clinical synopses, order sets, reminders, and alerts for the outpatient setting.
ZynxCare offers knowledge for nurses and allied health professionals (eg, physical therapists, occupational therapists, respiratory therapists, nutritionists, social workers) in the form of evidence-based synopses linked to customizable plans of care. The content contained in ZynxCare provides the basis for assessing, planning, and evaluating the care of patients with the most common problems that members of the interdisciplinary care team manage.
A collection of healthcare concepts that contains terms for use in order sets (eg, medications, laboratory tests, consults) and plans of care (eg, expected outcomes, checklist details).
ZynxEvidence is a comprehensive source for evidence-based research, guidelines, and hospital performance measures. It serves as an in-depth reference source for evidence-based quality improvement and can be used to impact the key drivers of clinical outcomes and costs in your organization.
Zynx forecasting, available in the ZynxAmbulatory, ZynxEvidence, and ZynxMeasurement products, is a tool to forecast the impact of evidence-based clinical decision support on clinical outcomes, processes of care, and financial results.
Zynx Forecasting: Default Values
Default values are representative patient statistics that can be used as inputs to the forecasting calculators when actual patient statistics are not available, so that approximate potential benefits due to improvements in the processes of care may be calculated. A set of default values is provided in the Forecasting Calculator sections for most forecasters. The default values are also used as representative inputs in the Sample Calculations.
Zynx Forecasting: Definitions section
The Definitions page provides concise definitions of input and output descriptions; of indications for and contraindications to the recommended intervention; of inclusionary and exclusionary criteria; and of other terms presented in the Forecasting Calculator section. Some definitions also appear in pop-up boxes throughout the forecasting modules.
Zynx Forecasting: Forecasting Abstraction Form
The forecasting abstraction form can be printed and used to collect the data needed as inputs for the Forecasting Calculators.
Zynx Forecasting: Forecasting Calculator section
On the Forecasting Calculator page, the user can forecast quality and cost improvements that his or her organization may realize by implementing the Recommendation. These opportunities are translated into tangible endpoints (“outputs”) such as potential number of lives saved, hospitalizations prevented, or costs avoided. On the Forecasting Calculator page, the user can enter his or her organization’s data and make forecasting calculations. Zynx Health also provides representative default values to use in place of actual statistics when that data is not readily available. The charting feature allows the healthcare organization to track its progress over time. Simply click the Chart button after calculating. Data accumulated in the charting feature can be viewed in a table format or exported onto an Excel spreadsheet.
Zynx Forecasting: Forecasting Methodology section
The Forecasting Methodology section provides a detailed description of the forecaster selection and review process by describing the modelability of studies; topic selection; selection of supporting studies; literature screening, acquisition, and classification; selection of studies for Supplemental Literature sections; how calculations are generated; how contraindications to medications are defined; the editorial process; and quality control.
Zynx Forecasting: Forecasting Results – All Modules section
The Forecasting Results – All Modules section provides a real-time summary of the most recent calculations made (ie, the most recent outputs generated) in all modules within a product (ie, ZynxEvidence, ZynxAmbulatory, ZynxMeasurement).
Zynx Forecasting: Forecasting Summary section
Each module that contains more than one forecaster includes a Forecasting Summary section (folder) summarizing the output definitions and calculated outputs for all forecasters within the module. The Output Definitions page contains all of the output definitions used in the module. The Calculations Summary page shows all forecasting data that have been calculated in the entire module and refreshes in real time whenever a new calculation is performed.
Zynx Forecasting: General Information section
Once you select a Forecasting module, the Scope page in the General Information folder opens by default and describes the included and excluded patient populations for the particular module. In addition to the Scope page, the General Information folder contains the Forecasting Methodology page and may contain a Definition page. The Definition page, when available, provides a definition for each condition/procedure from national/professional organizations and consensus conferences.
Zynx Forecasting: Recommendation section
The Recommendation page contains a fundamental recommendation for each forecaster. The References section on the Recommendation page links to one or more Evidence Tables of the literature used to derive the Recommendation and the parameters upon which the forecasting equations are based. The literature cited on the Recommendation page undergoes a rigorous review by board-certified physicians with expertise in the principles and practices of both evidence-based medicine and critical appraisal of the literature. For a detailed description of the selection and review process, along with its potential limitations, visit the Forecasting Methodology page.
Zynx Forecasting: Limitations section
The Limitations page lists the limitations of the forecasting calculation, as well as any assumptions made to facilitate the development of the equations.
Zynx Forecasting: Sample Calculations section
The Sample Calculations page makes the Forecasting Calculator equations completely transparent by showing how the absolute risk reductions, relative risk reductions, and other statistical values from the literature are used to calculate the clinical and cost-related benefits. Sample Calculations are provided for each forecaster so that users can clearly understand the assumptions used in the Forecasting Calculator section and comprehend the scientific and mathematical underpinnings of the forecaster. Inputs to these sample calculations are the default values, which provide representative patient statistics for a hypothetical hospital. These sample calculations also provide examples of the types of potential benefits that an institution may realize by implementing specific process-improvement interventions.
Zynx Forecasting: Supplemental Literature section
The Supplemental Literature section provides a broader body of evidence for a given topic to augment the Guideline or Cost-Savings Opportunity evidence.
ZynxMeasurement offers tools to measure the impact of evidence-based clinical decision support on clinical outcomes, processes of care, and financial results.
ZynxOrder offers an advanced knowledge-management system for developing and maintaining evidence-based order sets, alerts, and reminders. ZynxOrder empowers organizations to put evidence-based healthcare into practice and, as a result, adhere to national performance measures and measurably improve the quality of patient care.
See Zynx Catalog.
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Zynx Health Incorporated. Help published September 2015 |