Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Deleting Items From an Order Set

To remove sections or subsections, order items, details, or bundles from an order set, complete the following steps:

  1. In the Content Editor, click the arrow to the right of the Edit button and select Delete for the item you wish to delete, or select the item of interest and press CTRL+D.
  2. To restore the deleted item, click Undo Delete from the Commands Menu.

Sections and subsections have parent/child relationships. If you select a Section or subsection to delete, that entire Section, including children contained within it, will be deleted. If you select a Non-med order or Med order, the order details will be deleted as well.

You can also delete Sections from the Section Control Menu. Hover over the Section you wish to delete and then click the red X ().

You can flag items for deletion without actually removing them from view right away. Click the Flag icon () to flag an item and any of its children. When you are ready to delete flagged items, select the Delete Flagged button at the bottom of the content grid.

To unflag an item, click the previously selected Flag icon () next to the item. Unflag all flagged items by clicking on the Unflag All button at the bottom of the content grid.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014