Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Duplicating Plans of Care

You can duplicate any existing plan of care.

To duplicate a plan of care, complete the following steps:

  1. Select a plan of care from the content list and click the Duplicate link.
  2. In the Please select a folder area, navigate to and select the folder where you want to place the duplicate copy of the plan of care.
  3. From the Please select a module drop-down list, select a module.
  4. Type a name for the plan of care in the Content Name text box. The name of the plan of care that you are copying appears by default.
  5. Optional: Select the Edit after created check box to open the duplicated plan of care in the Editor after you create it. Otherwise, a duplicate of the plan of care will be created in the folder selected in step 2.
  6. Click the OK button to close the dialog box.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014