Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Managing Aliases

For external vocabulary terms that have been previously linked to Zynx terms, you can choose to display the description of the external vocabulary term instead of the actual Zynx term description wherever that Zynx term appears in AuthorSpace. This functionality is known as creating an alias for Zynx terms.

Click the Manage Aliases link to open the Manage Aliases - Select Vocabularies to “Alias” screen, where you specify existing vocabularies as aliases.

To specify aliases, complete the following steps:

  1. Populate the Alias Vocabularies list box with the external vocabularies you wish to use.
  2. Click the Next button to open the Manage Aliases - Order Vocabularies screen. The Order Vocabularies screen displays the list of vocabularies from the Alias Vocabularies list box. If the same Zynx term is mapped in more than one vocabulary in this list, you must establish the order in which the vocabularies will be used. Click a vocabulary and then click the up or down arrow button to the right of the list to move it up or down in the list as desired.
  3. Click the Finish button.

The next time you view or edit content containing an alias, you will see that the alias has replaced the Zynx description.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

© 2014 Zynx Health Incorporated.
All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014