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Viewing Vocabulary Details

Use the Vocabulary Details screen to retrieve a list of terms for a selected local vocabulary. You can view the Term ID, Description, Term Type, Status, and PIVOT ID for each retrieved vocabulary term, if linked.

To retrieve a list of vocabulary terms, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vocabulary Manager Home screen, click any hyperlinked local vocabulary to go to the Vocabulary Details screen for the selected vocabulary. Vendor vocabularies may appear on the Vocabulary Manager Home screen as well, but they do not appear hyperlinked. Only local vocabularies appear hyperlinked and can be selected. The terms for the selected vocabulary appear in the Vocabulary Items section at the bottom of the screen.
  2. To search for a specific term in the search area at the top, type the description of the vocabulary term in the Name field. Type the full name or one or several characters in the description.
  3. Select the vocabulary type, such as Medications, Diet, or Laboratory, from the Type drop-down list.
  4. Select the status from the Status drop-down list. Status shows whether the term is active or inactive.
  5. Indicate whether you want to retrieve terms that have been linked to Zynx terms.
  6. Click the Search button. The filtered list appears in the Vocabulary Items section. The description, term type, and status are displayed for each term. If the vocabulary was imported with its own external ID, the term ID is also displayed. The term ID is unique to the vocabulary term and can be a negative number.

In the Vocabulary Items area, click the to display the associated Catalog Term ID and description. Only external vocabulary terms linked to Zynx Catalog or Custom Catalog terms have Catalog Term IDs. Catalog Term IDs are assigned automatically by the system when you link external vocabulary terms to Catalog terms in the Link Catalog Terms screen. If a vocabulary term is linked to more than one Catalog term, multiple Catalog Term IDs will be displayed.

The Term Count at the bottom of the screen displays the total number of filter results.

Use the First Page, Previous Page, Next Page, and Last Page links to navigate the list.

See the following sections for information on other tasks that can be performed from the Vocabulary Details screen:

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014