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Importing Terms

Use the Vocabulary Import screen to import a vocabulary from either a delimited or fixed input file. To import an external vocabulary, complete the following steps:

  1. From the Vocabulary Manager Home screen, click any hyperlinked Vocabulary Name to go to the Vocabulary Details screen for the selected vocabulary.
  2. Click the Import Terms link on the Vocabulary Details screen to open the Vocabulary Terms Import screen.
  3. In the File Format area, choose whether the input file is Delimited, Fixed, or Custom.
  4. Indicate the vocabulary type that the input file contains.
  5. Click the Browse link to navigate to the file to import.
  6. Click the Import button. A dialog box appears indicating the number of records read from the input file, the number of rows added and updated, and the number of errors. If any errors are indicated, click the Errors button to see a log of each error. The list of errors can be viewed until you import another file.


    Word files saved in Rich Text Format (RTF) may contain special, non-keyboard characters. Open these types of files in Notepad before importing any vocabularies to make sure there are no special characters in the file; otherwise, you will receive an XML import error message.

After you import the vocabulary, the Vocabulary Details screen is populated with the vocabulary items from the file.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014