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Previewing Plans of Care with a Template Attached

To preview a plan of care with a print template attached, select Apply Print Template as the format for saving and printing your file (see Printing Plans of Care), select the specific template to apply in the Select Template drop-down list, and click the Go button.

The content opens in an editable window (WYSIWYG HTML Editor) where the AuthorSpace user can preview the content with a specific print template applied. The user can edit the format and layout within the HTML Editor before saving the final content in PDF format.

Users can toggle between Normal mode and Preview mode by clicking the tabs at the bottom of the HTML Editor. Edit the format and layout in Normal mode, and switch to Preview mode to view the content in a print preview-like mode with edits applied or to save the content as a PDF file. This Preview mode should provide an accurate representation of how the content will appear in the PDF or printed.

The following screenshot shows a plan of care displayed in the Normal mode of the HTML Editor.


Only content with a print template applied can be displayed in an editable window (HTML Editor).

If content issues are present at the time you apply the template, the formatting will not be applied correctly.

Improper formats and broken elements are highlighted in red. If these items are not resolved, the print buttons are disabled in the PDF. Resolve improper formats/broken elements by re-creating the broken elements and then deleting the text in red.

In Normal mode, users can change some of the formatting, such as adding a different logo, adding a date to a header, or changing a font, or users may wish to make edits to conserve space, enhance readability, or improve the usability of the form. The editable Normal mode allows users to make these changes quickly and easily.

Individual items can be added, moved to another section in the order set or plan of care, deleted, or further modified based on user needs. Text and text boxes can also be added.


Any time you move content or change the spacing, click the Refresh Columns/Pages button () to refresh the screen to view your changes, or select the Preview tab at the bottom of the HTML Editor.

Deleting and editing order items or details in the HTML Editor will cause the order set or plan of care to be out of sync with the version of the content that is stored in AuthorSpace.

To save the plan of care as a PDF, click the Save as PDF icon () in the Preview mode of the HTML Editor. In the File Download dialog box, click the Save button. Navigate to the desired location and enter a name for the content in the Save As dialog box; click Save. The content will be saved as a PDF document in the specified location.


A PDF writer is included as part of AuthorSpace; therefore, you do not need to purchase or download a separate PDF writing tool.

In order for the Print All or Print Only Selected Items buttons to work, the PDF must be opened using Adobe Reader version 8.1.2 or higher, or version 9.0.0 or higher. The print buttons might not work properly on a computer that hosts certain conflicting versions of Adobe Acrobat and Adobe Reader (eg, Adobe Reader 8 and Adobe Professional 7).

The print template functionality enables users to publish content as an interactive PDF file to the intranet for clinician use. The clinician accesses the PDF online and then selects order items, activity details, or medication doses, and adds additional orders prior to printing the PDF.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

© 2014 Zynx Health Incorporated.
All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014