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Adding Terms to a Custom Catalog

Only Administrators can add terms to the Custom catalog.

These steps show how to add individual terms to the Custom catalog manually. If you need to add a large list of terms, consider importing the list. See Importing Terms for more information.

To add a term to a Custom catalog, complete the following steps:

  1. Click the New Term link to open the New Term dialog box.
  2. Populate the Term text box and provide a description for the term in the Description text box.


    The Status field is used to inactivate terms. Keep the status set to Active (the default value) when creating new terms. You cannot change the status of a Zynx term.

    The Visibility field is only available for Zynx terms. Use this field to determine whether or not the Zynx term is available when you browse for it from a workspace. If set to Invisible, the term will appear in the Catalog Manager but not when browsing in the catalog from the Editor.

  3. Use the Category drop-down list to specify the category for the term.
  4. Select the Is Med check box to indicate that the term is for an orderable item with unique medication properties.
  5. Select the term type from the Term Types link.
  6. Type any specific instructions in the Instructions box. Instructions are environment-specific and can include information about the term, explain why the term is Active or Inactive, or clarify who wants the term added.
  7. If you wish to add the term to your vocabulary used for exports, select the vocabulary from the Vocabulary drop-down list and then type the External ID (CPOE code for that term). The term will be added to your vocabulary. (You can also add a new term from the Vocabulary Manager Home screen.)
  8. Click the OK button.

The term is now available in the Custom catalog.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014