Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Customized Order Sets

With AuthorSpace, clients can create customized order sets for their environment or organization by adding new order sets or by editing or copying existing order sets. To edit an order set, a user checks out the order set. A green check mark appears next to the order set in the content list to indicate it is checked out for editing. No one else can see the changes until the user checks in the order set after he or she completes his or her edits. In addition, no one else can edit a checked-out order set.

Customized order sets reside in the Our Content folder in the Content Tree. When you select a folder, the contents of the folder appear in the content list on the right side of the screen. Select an order set in the content list and then click any of the following links at the top of the AuthorSpace main screen to perform these tasks:


The links that are available depend on the assigned user permission levels established in the Environment Manager.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014