Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Modifying a WDF

You can edit a WDF within the context of a workspace or outside the context of the workspace.

To edit a WDF within the context of a workspace:

  1. From the Workspaces screen, click the Edit link next to a checked-out workspace.
  2. Click the Edit link next to the WDF in the Workspace fields area to open the Edit WDF window.
    Modify the areas of the Edit WDF window as appropriate.
    Within the context of a workspace, you can specify the text that will appear before and after the default value specified for the WDF by using pre tag and post tag text. Pre tag is text that will appear before the default value, and post tag text will appear after the default value for the WDF. By default the WDF will be rendered as a sentence in the Editor, but you can disable the In Sentence check box.

To edit a WDF outside a workspace:

  1. Click the Manage Fields link to open the WDF List screen.
  2. Click the Edit link next to the WDF.
    Modify the name, description, and other areas of the Edit WDF window as appropriate.


    The Edit WDF window includes a Map to Zynx WDF drop-down list, which is populated with a list of all Zynx WDFs with matching field types (text, list, etc.).

    Filling out this field is optional; however, if a print template will be applied to the order set (see Print Template Tab), use this drop-down list to map your custom WDF to the appropriate Zynx WDF so that those fields will appear correctly. A custom WDF may be mapped to any Zynx WDF with the same type. For example, a text custom WDF may be mapped only to a text Zynx WDF. If multiple custom WDFs are mapped to a given Zynx WDF, compression settings for dose, frequency, and duration in the print template will not function properly.


    Administrators can view and navigate all screens in the Environment Manager.

    The screens that non-administrator users are able to view and navigate depend on assigned permissions.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

© 2014 Zynx Health Incorporated.
All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014