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Migration Issues

New environments can choose which security type to use, either content-level security or folder-level security. Existing environments default to content-level security but can be migrated to folder-level security. See your client services representative for information on migrating.

Migrating from content-level security to folder-level security deletes all assigned content permissions, and all folders are initially assigned to just the base team. Migrated environments can never revert back to content-level security with the same permissions that were in place before the migration.


Folder-level security is viewed as more powerful and complex than content-level security because, with folder-level security, multiple teams can be assigned to one folder, and subfolders inherit the teams assigned at higher levels.

With content-level security, though, only one team is assigned to one piece of content, and within the same folder, content may be assigned to different teams.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014