Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Zynx Standard Plans of Care Templates

Zynx standard plans of care provide the basis for assessing, planning, and evaluating the care of patients with the most common problems managed by the interdisciplinary care team. Each plan of care template offered by Zynx addresses a specific patient problem. Plans of care include a Goal section (containing Expected Outcomes) and an Intervention section. The Intervention section contains subsections (which include Reminders, Activities, and Activity Details).

Clients can view, duplicate, print, or export these templates. Zynx standard plans of care templates reside in the Zynx folder in the Content Tree. When you select a folder, the contents of the folder appear in the content list on the right side of the screen. Select a plan of care in the content list and then click any of the following links at the top of the AuthorSpace main screen to perform these tasks:

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014