Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Folder-level Security

Environment members are assigned to teams, and security permissions are assigned to members within the teams. Teams are then assigned to a folder. This is known as folder-level security.

The permissions assigned to the member within the team define the member’s permission for the folder.

With folder-level security, 2 or more teams can be assigned (base team and 1 or more custom teams) to a folder. Subfolders inherit the teams assigned at higher levels, so a team assigned at a higher-level automatically has permission to the subfolders. As such, since Our Content (highest level folder) is assigned to the base team, the base team has permission to all subfolders under Our Content.

Keep in mind that a user with full permission on the base team has full permission on all the folders (and all content within each folder) because he or she is a member of the base team that is assigned to Our Content. However, any given user on the base team may be removed from the base team or may be given view-only permission.

Folder-level permission is assigned on the Content tab. In the folder area on the right side of the Content tab, Environment Managers can use the check boxes to assign teams to a selected folder. Inherited teams (that have already been assigned at higher levels) appear selected and disabled.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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Help published December 2014