Zynx Health AuthorSpace Help File

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Creating a Task in the Work Queue

Any user may send a task request to any other user(s). The assignee is the user to whom a task has been assigned, and the requester is the user who creates a task.

The requester may assign a task to himself, making the requester and the assignee the same person.

Tasks can be created from the My Dashboard Work Queue, the Work Queue area within the Content Manager, or the Content Editor.

To create a task, complete the following steps:

  1. Open the New Task screen in one of three ways:
  2. In the New Task screen, complete the following fields/areas and click Save:

Tasks associated with content (order sets or plans of care) can be viewed in the Work Queue area of the Content Manager.

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Zynx Health Incorporated

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All rights reserved.

Help published December 2014